Gohomon words

34. world of heavenly beings

   When we get married, pass an entrance exam or make money, we feel happy (souls of heavenly beings). But we will fall in the six agonizing worlds by losing the merits. For example, there is a possibility that we’ll get involved in a criminal case due to such money. On the other hand, thanks to merits accumulated through chanting, we can ensure any protections of the guardian kings of heaven as well as the Buddha in the past, present and future lives.


*1. world of heavenly beings: 天上界 

Gohomon words

33. world of pretas

   All of us have souls of pretas, the second lowest among the ten worlds. Making fortunes, we aren’t satisfied with them. On the contrary, we will increasingly want goods and money, resulting in signing our own death warrants. However, it’s possible to minimize such greed causing sufferings and troubles by chanting the Odaimoku.


*1. world of pretas: 餓鬼界

Gohomon words

32. capability for practicing

  Capabilities of people in this Mappo period are much lower than those of people during the Buddha’s lifetime and the Sho-Zobo period. In other words, people in the Mappo period don’t have any capabilities for ascetic practices such as meditating and fasting. In this Mappo period, eradicating sins in the past life resulting in attaining Buddhahood can be achieved only by chanting and spreading the Odaimoku.


*1. capability for practicing: 機根・仏道修行を行じる能力

*2. Buddha’s lifetime:  仏さまご在世の時代

*3. ascetic practice: 苦行

*4. fasting: 断食

Gohomon words

31. spark

   In addition to offering incense sticks, candle light, food and others, we clean the Gohozen by using dusters, cloths and mops three times a day in this Josenji temple. After the Okyuji, it is required to purify the Gohozen by striking sparks with a flint and a steel.


*1. flint: 火打ち石

*2. steel: 火打ち鎌

*3. spark: 切り火

Gohomon words

30. Nyosetsushugyosho

  Nichiren Shonin’s Nyosetsushugyosho unveils the correct way of practicing during this Mappo period. According to the Nyosetsushugyosho, facing difficulties and troubles, people in this Mappo period should repeatedly chant and propagate the Odaimoku entrusted to the Jyogyo Bodhisattva. Thanks to the merits, we can willingly visit the Tranquil Light Land for chanting at our death.


*1. Nyosetsushugyosho: 如説修行抄

*2. Jyogyo Bodhisattva: 上行菩薩

*3. Tranquil Light Land: 寂光浄土 


Gohomon words

29. ignorance

  We need to have our own opinions in this modern society. But it is necessary to eliminate our selfish opinions impeding our faith in practicing, or we’ll lose important chances for accumulating the merits and receiving the manifested benefits. Thus, Honmon Butsuryu Shu emphasizes “ignorance”, which means we must honestly practice based on Gohomons.


*1. ignorance: 無智・自分考えを捨てる事

*2. selfish opinion: 自分考え


Gohomon words

28. Okosui and Okyuji

  We never fail to offer water to the Gohozen before chanting the Odaimoku every morning. Water having been offered to the Gohozen is called “Okosui”, which contains huge merits of the Odaimoku. Therefore, more benefits such as recovery from illnesses can be received by chanting and reverently drinking the Okosui containing the Buddha’s wisdom and mercy. Only chanting the Odaimoku is not our practice. In addition to offering water, candle light, incense sticks and food, cleaning the Gohozen by using dusters, cloths and mops is also our important practice for improved faith.


*1. Okosui: お供水 

*2. Okyuji: お給仕 

*3. faith: 信心


Gohomon words

27. wooden clappers and Japanese drum

  In this Josenji temple, Japanese drums are used so that the practitioners can chant the Odaimoku while keeping the rhythms. Besides, wooden clappers and xylophones are required for chanting as well.


*1. wooden clappers: 拍子木

*2. Japanese drum: 太鼓、法鼓


Gohomon words

26. persecution in Tatsunokuchi

  Yoritsuna Taira took Nichiren Shonin criticizing other religious sects as well as the Kamakura government to an execution chamber in Tatsunokuchi, Kanagawa prefecture on September 12, 1271. Though Yoritsuna Taira’s subordinate swung up his sword for beheading Nichiren Shonin there, Nichiren Shonin was saved from the execution by a mysterious shining object having emerged in the direction of Enoshima Island.


*1. persecution in Tatsunokuchi: 龍ノ口の御法難

*2. Yoritsuna Taira: 平頼綱(北条氏得宗家の御内人)


Gohomon words

25. Nichiren Shonin’s statue

 Nichiren Shonin overcame a lot of persecutions by the Kamakura government, propagating the Odaimoku for people in this Mappo period. The Buddha’s true teachings wouldn’t have been spread in Japan without Nichiren Shonin. Therefore, Honmon Butsuryu Shu reverently enshrines the statue of Nichiren Shonin in front of the Gohonzon. Nichiren Shonin’s statue is also enshrined in some practitioners’ houses.


*1. persecution: 御法難

*2. Nichiren Shonin’s statue: 御尊像(日蓮聖人の像)


Gohomon words

24. Ojyogyo

  The Buddhism preaches “four sufferings and eight pains”. We’re doomed to face four sufferings of birth, aging, illness and death. Ojyogyo is chanting the Odaimoku to help people suffering. For instance, the Ojyogyo has cured a lot of people of their intractable diseases our modern medical science can’t deal with.


*1. Ojyogyo: お助行

*2. four sufferings and eight pains: 四苦八苦

*3. birth, aging, illness and death: 生・老・病・死


Gohomon words

23. Oko

  We regularly chant the Odaimoku and listen to a Gohomon with other practitioners at home (Oko). The Oko is also called “a training hall for spreading the Odaimoku”. Conversations about benefits, practices and more are exchanged after the Oko. In addition to chanting in this temple, the Oko is also important for brushing up our minds and accumulating merits.


*1. Oko: 御講


Gohomon words

22. united in minds, while separated in bodies

  We can’t receive manifested benefits through practicing alone. Being different from each other, we can solidly be united and support each other. Needless to say, cooperativeness among the practitioners is indispensable. In this Josenji temple, all of us are daily chanting the Odaimoku for accumulating the merits together.


*1. united in minds, while separated in bodies: 異体同心


Gohomon words

21. correspondence between the Buddha and our minds

  Chanting the Odaimoku whole-heartedly is of great importance for realizing the correspondence between the Buddha and our minds and receiving many manifested benefits. However, if we’re chanting the Odaimoku absent-mindedly or chanting while sleeping, the benefits will naturally be minimized. The Buddha is seeing into our minds all the time.


*1. correspondence between the Buddha and our minds: 感応道交

*2. manifested benefit: 現証御利益


Gohomon words

20. saha world

  A place we’re living is called “saha world”, which is full of conflicts. In this saha world, we’re living our lives as if walking in the darkness. “The future is a closed book”. However, chanting the Odaimoku illuminates the darkness, ensuring protections by the guardian kings of heaven both night and day.


*1. saha world: 娑婆世界、私達が住んでいるこの世界

*2. guardian kings of heaven: 諸天善神
