Gohomon words

This page shows Gohomon words preached in this Josenji temple. Our Gohomon is based on teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Shonin.


10. merits of chanting the Odaimoku

  All of us can’t escape from the transmigration among the six worlds consisting of the hell, hungry spirits, animals, asuras, human beings and heavenly beings. In other words, we never fail to fall down these agonizing worlds after our death. In this Josenji temple, we’re always chanting the Odaimoku to accumulate merits making us get out of the agonizing transmigration among the six worlds.

   私達の自力では六道(1. 地獄, 2. 餓鬼, 3. 畜生, 4. 修羅, 5. 人間,         6. 天上,)輪廻から逃れる事は出来ません。すなわち、死後、私達は必ずこれらの苦しみの世界をさまよい続ける事になります。乗泉寺では、功徳を積ませていただく為、私達は日々御題目口唱に励んで     おり、その口唱の功徳によって六道輪廻の苦しみから逃れさせていただけるのです。

*1. six agonizing worlds: 六道と呼ばれる苦しみに満ちた6つの世界


Gohomon words

This page shows Gohomon words preached in this Josenji temple. Our Gohomon is based on teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Shonin.


9. ten worlds

  The Buddhism says that there are ten worlds of 1. the hell, 2. hungry spirits, 3. animals, 4. asuras, 5. human beings, 6. heavenly beings,    7. disciples, 8. self-enlightened Buddhas, 9. Bodhisattvas, and        10.Buddhas. And it also elucidates that we repeatedly transmigrate among the six agonizing worlds consisting of the hell, hungry spirits, animals, asuras, human beings and heavenly beings after our death.

 十界(1. 地獄, 2. 餓鬼, 3. 畜生, 4. 修羅, 5. 人間, 6. 天上, 7. 声聞,    8. 縁覚, 9. 菩薩, 10. 仏)と呼ばれる世界が存在し、私達は死後、十界の中にある苦しみに満ちた六道(1. 地獄, 2. 餓鬼,  3. 畜生, 4. 修羅,   5. 人間, 6. 天上)の世界をさまよい続けると仏教には説かれています。

*1. ten worlds: 十界 

*2. transmigration among the six agonizing worlds: 六道輪廻 


Gohomon words

This page shows Gohomon words preached in this Josenji temple. Our Gohomon is based on teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Shonin.


8. Nissen Shonin

Tokugawa Shogunate had governed both Japan and its religious sects during Edo period. The Buddhism at that time was available only for memorial services and funerals. Nissen Shonin became interested in the Buddhism after his mother’s death in late Edo period and confirmed that the Lotus Sutra was true teachings of the Buddha. Then, he established Butsuryu Ko to restore Nichiren Shonin’s true teachings at the age of 41.


*1. Nissen Shonin: 日扇聖人(1817年-1890年)

*2. Tokugawa Shogunate: 徳川幕府

*3. religious sect: 宗旨

*4. Butsuryu Ko: 佛立講(本門佛立宗の前身)


Gohomon words

This page shows Gohomon words preached in this Josenji temple. Our Gohomon is based on teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Shonin.


7. Nichiryu Shonin

  More than one hundred years had passed since Nichiren Shonin preached importance of the Odaimoku. Unfortunately, his true teachings were wrongly construed at that time. Nichiryu Shonin having been born in 1385 (Muromachi period) revived Nichiren Shonin’s true teachings and propagated the Odaimoku for saving lots of people suffering from epidemics, disasters and others. 


*1. Nichiryu Shonin: 日隆聖人(1385‐1464年)

*2. revive: 再興する、復興する 
