Gohomon words

This page shows Gohomon words preached in this Josenji temple. Our Gohomon is based on teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Shonin.


14. repentance

  We’ve already accumulated a lot of sins due to disparaging the Dharma in our past lives. So, we never fail to repent our sins in the past lives and pledge to uphold the Odaimoku until attaining Buddhahood in front of the Gohozen before chanting the Odaimoku. Our sins can be eliminated by repenting and chanting.


*1. disparaging the Dharma: 謗法

*2. repentance: お懺悔

*3. attaining Buddhahood: 成仏、仏身に至る事

*4. Gohozen: 御宝前


Gohomon words

This page shows Gohomon words preached in this Josenji temple. Our Gohomon is based on teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Shonin.


13. consolation

   In general, most of the people visit temples to console their ancestors only a few times a year. In this Josenji temple, we’re daily chanting the Odaimoku for comforting the deceased as well as our ancestors, resulting in receiving the merits for better future lives.


*1. consolation: 回向、弔い

*2. console, comfort: 弔う
